Came across your blog by accident. Thought I should comment. So odd that I found this -- more odd that I knew/know you.Anyway, you're art is still amazing.Rachel
which rachel is this? an anonymous comment! so unfair!
High school, school bus, island, sketch bag Rachel. Haha.I only did anonymous because I don't have blogspot. Therefore, cannot sign in.
ah, i figured it was you, the sketch bag one. haha.give me a way to get a hold of you, an email or something, mine is would be nice to know what you've been up to.
I sent you an email. You get it?
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Came across your blog by accident. Thought I should comment. So odd that I found this -- more odd that I knew/know you.
Anyway, you're art is still amazing.
which rachel is this? an anonymous comment! so unfair!
High school, school bus, island, sketch bag Rachel. Haha.
I only did anonymous because I don't have blogspot. Therefore, cannot sign in.
ah, i figured it was you, the sketch bag one. haha.
give me a way to get a hold of you, an email or something, mine is mowat.kyle@gmail.
it would be nice to know what you've been up to.
I sent you an email. You get it?
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